Join the increasing number of students enrolling in online college courses and start earning credits towards your degree. One in every four students now take at least one class online, and during the fall 2014 term, 5.8 million college students were taking some of their classes — if not all of them — through distance learning. To keep up with increasing demand for online options, more and more schools are offering a variety of courses that can be completed remotely, allowing you more flexibility in learning.

Ready to enroll in an online college or explore distance learning opportunities tailored to your goals? Explore our featured online college courses and programs, offered by accredited colleges with a wide array of topics, specializations, and concentrations. Find what you need to get started today.

Featured Online Programs
Capella University                             Visit Site        
Minneapolis, MN & Online
                                              Capella University's Flex-Path will guide you in a learning environment where structure meets flexibility. Capella offers online degrees in Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral that will meet your learning needs in a competency-based educational atmosphere.

Liberty University                              Visit Site  
Lynchburg, VA & Online
                                         Liberty University is now the nation’s fifth largest university. Offering more than 245 distance learning degrees from the certificate to the doctoral level, Liberty Online is preparing students for success through flexible and convenient online education.

American Intercontinental University Visit Site  
Schaumburg, IL & Online
                                          AIU offers flexible degrees with online classes that let you learn how, when, and where you prefer. With 8 different grants for students and added benefits for military, AIU knows how you pay for your education is an important decision.

ONLINE COLLEGE COURSES ONLINE COLLEGE COURSES Reviewed by Shahzad on March 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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